Tue, 18 Mar

Mesh & Verdata Partner to Provide Automated Professional License Verification and Monitoring for Merchant Onboarding and Point-of-Sale Financing in Home Improvement

Mesh & Verdata Partner to Provide Automated Professional License Verification and Monitoring for Merchant Onboarding and Point-of-Sale Financing in Home Improvement

Media Contacts

Steve Sullivan
VP of Sales

Diego Asenjo
Chief Executive Officer

Verdata, a leading provider of commercial risk mitigation solutions, and Mesh, the leader in real-time professional license verification in the U.S., today announced their partnership and joint cutting-edge service designed to automate the ver

ification and ongoing monitoring of professional licenses for merchant onboarding and point-of-sale financing in home improvement. This service helps protect businesses and homeowners from the risks posed by expired or suspended licenses, ensuring compliance, streamlining risk management, and safeguarding service quality in the home improvement industry.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250213041382/en/

“We’re now able to automate contractor license monitoring, reducing compliance risk and freeing our risk management team to focus on other tasks,” said Nicole Whitehead, Director of Commercial Risk for Sunlight Financial. “At Sunlight, we prioritize protecting both businesses and consumers while helping our contractor partners grow. This solution helps ensure our contractors comply with license requirements, giving everyone more confidence.”

“This license verification service has been a compliance game changer for us,” said Paul Borghi, VP, Point-of-Sale Lending. “It’s a huge process improvement that not only saves time but also reduces the risk of working with home improvement contractors who are not fully licensed. We understand how important it is to protect both businesses and consumers. This tool now ensures that only qualified contractors are hired, and contractors love the new streamlined verification process we have, too.”

Key Features of the Professional License Verification Service Include:

  • Automated License Verification: Instantly verify a professional’s licensing status through a secure and user-friendly platform.
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of contractors’ licenses, alerting users to any changes in status, such as expiration, suspension, or disciplinary actions.
  • Customizable Alerts: Tailored notifications to keep businesses updated on the status of their contractors, ensuring they’re always in compliance.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Generate detailed reports for auditing purposes and to maintain a clear record of contractor compliance.
  • Seamless Integration: Easy integration with existing business management systems for a smooth, hassle-free experience.

“The idea that businesses must choose between assurance and a seamless onboarding experience for SMBs and merchants is a false dichotomy—both are possible,” said Diego Asenjo, CEO of Mesh. “Our partnership empowers companies to instantly verify contractor licenses, enhancing trust, reducing friction, and preventing fraud. Mesh provides real-time licensing insights for professionals and businesses, while Verdata integrates those insights with additional signals to streamline merchant onboarding and compliance for financial services.”

“In today’s competitive home improvement market, verifying that contractors are properly licensed and in good standing is essential,” said Mike Mondelli, CEO of Verdata. “Failure to do so can result in legal and financial consequences, as well as an increased risk of subpar workmanship. With this joint solution, businesses can now streamline merchant onboarding in home improvement and contractor license verification, significantly reducing the risk of hiring an unlicensed or non-compliant contractor.”

About Verdata, Inc:

Verdata is a leading commercial risk platform enabling trust and transparency in SMB commerce. Verdata’s proprietary commercial data network empowers trusted business transactions across multiple end markets such as point-of-sale finance, SMB lending, merchant acquisition, and commercial insurance. Verdata enables clients to verify a new business partner’s identity, deliver insights on historical behavior, and provide trended customer sentiment. Verdata’s solutions are developed for industry-specific high-value use cases to optimize brand alignment and minimize reputational risk.

For more information about Verdata, Inc, or to schedule a demo, visit Verdata.com or contact info@Verdata.com.

About Mesh

Mesh is on a mission to make professional licensing and small business identity radically simple, trusted, and portable for all legitimate businesses and professionals. As the modern platform for real-time professional license verification in the U.S. in home improvement, construction, and other verticals, Mesh helps its partners increase onboarding conversion, boost revenue, reduce risks, and cut non-compliance – with unparalleled 98% satisfaction among verified SMBs. Mesh is trusted by leading companies across Ecommerce, Service Marketplaces, Home Improvement, and Embedded Finance.

Visit meshverify.com to learn more or contact media@meshverify.com.

“We’re now able to automate contractor license monitoring, reducing compliance risk and freeing our risk management team to focus on other tasks,” said Nicole Whitehead, Director of Commercial Risk for Sunlight Financial.

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